Vocal study requires a teacher to listen to you! Common mistakes young singers make.
Most people understand that studying piano can take many years. Many people do not understand that studying voice can also take many years and you can improve your singing voice. Even my doctor and I had a conversation about the fact that most people think that you are either talented or not. The fact is that it may take some time to uncover your talent. For instance, tension will cover up your natural voice. And you may be doing damage to your voice by singing improperly. We work on finding your natural voice and making it easier to sing. With all the online singing lessons now, you may think you don't need a person to train you. But, you do need someone who can listen to you personally and make corrections. Please find a teacher!
There are 2 ways to be loud when you sing. One is harmful and the other is benign. Unfortunately, the wrong way is usually what I hear young singers using. Often it is because they hear other singers using the wrong kind of belting. When you are young you may be able to sing that way for a while, but it will eventually cause damage to your vocal cords. Many professional singers have had to have surgery to try to remove callouses called nodes on their vocal cords. The right way to be loud is to shift the focal point of your sound to the hard palate in the front. This takes some time to learn. However, it will be healthy and provide strong singing that is also in tune.
Singing in tune is not hard to accomplish with some practice. If there is no damage to the ear or the vocal cords, you can learn to relax enough to sing the pitch you hear. Many times people who are nervous or who have been ridiculed will develop so much tension that they have a hard time matching pitches. We will work to find the most relaxed voice you can produce, releasing tension in the tongue and jaw muscles. This allows the sound your vocal cords are actually producing to come out without alteration from tension.
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